Career Advice Hub There’s a lot to know before you search and apply for jobs. But don’t sweat it; we got you covered. Learn everything you need to know—and position yourself to be hired for your dream job—by taking advantage of the following career advice. Resume Tips Job Seeker’s Guide Your resume is key, but there’s a lot more to a successful job search. Resume Part 1: Choosing the Right Template Where to start? Frame your resume for success. Resume Part 2: Writing an Objective or Professional Summary Make a bold statement about who you are and what you do. Resume Part 3: Assessing & Listing your Skills, Work History Let your qualities shine & share the history that makes you unique. Resume Part 4: Resume Writing Series: How To/What To List for Education, Activities, Personal Interest You’re the only you… what’s the ‘fingerprint’ of your resume? Resume Part 5: Finalizing, Avoiding Common Mistakes Job search gaffes, cringes & calamaties. Don’t be ‘that guy!’ Job Search Preparation Job Seeker’s Guide Get all your job search prep tips together in one awesome guide. Job Search Part 1: Writing a Basic Cover Letter So what’s a cover letter all about, anyway? Job Search Part 2: Building Your References Phone a friend? Don’t just hand over your favorites list. Job Search Part 3: Cleaning Up Your Social Media What happens offline doesn’t need to stay online. Job Search Part 4: Build Your LinkedIn Profile A more elegant ‘resume’ for a more civilized age. Or something like that.